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"No, I can't diagnose you over dinner." Ceramic Mug

"No, I can't diagnose you over dinner." Ceramic Mug

Regular price $25.00 CAD
Regular price $31.00 CAD Sale price $25.00 CAD
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Perfect for those nurses who've mastered the art of dodging medical questions between bites of their lunch break. This ceramic mug serves both as a beverage container and a pre-emptive response to that cousin who always wants to "just quickly show you this rash" at family gatherings.


  • Holds coffee, tea, or your will to politely decline amateur symptom descriptions
  • Dishwasher safe (unlike your patience for impromptu consultations)
  • Microwave safe (because reheating your coffee 5 times is the reality of nursing)
  • Perfect for sipping while practicing your "I'm off duty" face

Ideal for: Break rooms, family reunions, or any situation where you need to subtly remind people that your medical degree doesn't come with 24/7 consultation hours. Also makes a great gift for that nurse friend who's perfected the art of eating their sandwich while speed-walking away from potential medical discussions.


Note: Does not actually prevent people from showing you their weird toe thing, but at least you'll have something to sip while declining to comment.

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